4/24 13:15 Yukari

Yukari E-cup|T153|B88|W53|H90


It\’s been a while, I\’m Yukari ♡.




I went on a trip the other day and took a lot of hot springs and bedrock baths! I felt so refreshed (* ´ ▽ ` *).

I was so happy and my skin became smooth too ♫.



When I was working as an apparel store clerk, I often came home late, but I loved baths so much that I often went to a retro bathhouse near my workplace.





I like to take a bath with you and make out with you after having sex with you. (I took a lot of baths on the trip and my blood circulation got better, so my boobs got one cup bigger.




I am looking forward to a peaceful time with the master today as well ♡.




