1/9 11:15 Suzune

سوزوني D-كوب|T159|B80|W54|H76

What were you doing at the moment of New Year\’s Eve?


Suzune was in a dream world.


In other words, I fell asleep.


I was just lounging around on the bed,


I was going to stay awake until the new year,


I had a sense of accomplishment after all the hard work I did on New Year\’s Eve.


In addition, New Year\’s is the time for Hatsumode (New Year\’s visit to a shrine).


I have to go to Hatsumode,


I have to go to Hatsumode.


I also want to draw omikuji.


But I can\’t move my body.


I don\’t think I\’ve done anything New Year\’s-like.


I believe that any New Year\’s Day is the right one,


I will spend it at my own pace.


الحجز والاستفسار

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