6/15 16:30 Sonoka

سونوكا E-cup|H165|B88|W52|H88

Hi, I\’m Sonoaka*. (๓͈ ˘ `͈๓). *


I have motivation but no energy


I have energy but no motivation


On the contrary


I don\’t want to do anything but I want to do something


Want to do something but don\’t want to do anything


Do you ever have times like that?


I\’m so easy on myself that I feel like that every day. …… lol


Today, too, I want to write a diary, but I don\’t know what to write about.

I don\’t know what to write about.

I\’m just writing the words that come to my mind.)


I thought if I did that, I\’m sure I\’d come up with something to write about. ……





I couldn\’t think of anything!


If I had to say, I\’m in the final push period before the photo shoot.

Body make-up, buying underwear and dresses, and mental preparation: ……


There are so many things I have to do!


Spare no time or money.

I want to make the best of what I have


I always think so.


And it\’s the same for playing.


I don\’t get caught up in time or paychecks.

The most wonderful thing is to enjoy the time you are invited to spend with us sparingly!


Sometimes I wish I had more time to have fun. ……


Sometimes I wish I had more time to have fun.

I try to create a space where you can feel that the time you spent with us was not a waste!


What kind of encounters will we have tomorrow?


الحجز والاستفسار

لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا مع أي أسئلة. سوف يجيب الكونسيرج المتخصص لدينا على أسئلتك.

*إذا كنت تستخدم هاتفًا ذكيًا، فانقر فوق رمز الاستجابة السريعة أدناه لتشغيل كل تطبيق.

[*التوظيف العاجل] نحن نبحث عن منسق يمكنه تقديم الأجانب والسياح الأجانب المقيمين في اليابان.
إذا كنت تستطيع التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية واليابانية، فيمكنك الحصول على راتب مرتفع في فترة زمنية قصيرة.
يرجى الاتصال بنا للحصول على التفاصيل.