9/3 14:20 Suzune

سوزوني D-كوب|T159|B80|W54|H76

One of Suzune\’s hobbies is \”Ring Fit Adventure\”.

This is a game for the Nintendo Switch.

This software is, to my surprise, a game where you can train your muscles.

It is an RPG where you wear a controller on your body and conquer the game.

Hmmm…it\’s hard to explain.

If you are interested, please check it out.

Even Suzune, a 3-day monk, has been playing for a long time.

I put the playing time and the distance I ran on the pictures.

Can you see it?

Don\’t think that this game is just a game.

It is a very serious muscle training.

You will sweat a lot, You will sweat a lot and move your body until your muscles ache.

It\’s all good.

But just like when you slack off before taking a bath, you can\’t just say, \”Come on, I\’m going to do some muscle training! Let\’s do some muscle training!\” I have a problem that it takes me a long time before I can take action.

Suzune is off today, so I did muscle training properly while getting ready to slack off.


الحجز والاستفسار

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