19/11 12:35 سناء

ساناي كوب D|H160|B85|W56|H86

I\’ve been cold since last night\’s rain.


I still have an old injury from a bump on the head and stitches from childhood.


Even now, I still feel the pressure of low pressure


I was still suffering from the invisible pressure of low pressure….




Last night was such a melancholy night


I dropped in at a certain bar


I was enjoying a drink.





I was drinking


Salty Dog




I was feeling sad, even though there are so many things I want to do…


I was feeling somewhat sad…




Then an old man


He called out to me lightly.




He said, \”Ojou-chan, do you know the origin of that alcohol?

Do you know the origin of that alcohol?



What the hell, that\’s disgusting…


At least let me wallow in my sorrow at a time like this.


There is pleasure to be had by embracing these feelings.


I get pleasure from this feeling…


You don\’t understand that..!







To be honest, I was


I was irritated inside.






I said two words to him,



\”Salty dog\” means…


\”Salty dog means salty bitch.



\”Drink that stuff alone.


I pity her….


\”I don\’t care what happens to you, do you?



He laughed at me in such a degrading way.





I was so, so, so embarrassed.


I was so embarrassed, I didn\’t know where to hide it.


I didn\’t know where to hide it.


I ran out of the store in a panic….




Suddenly, I was like a lamb thrown out on the street.


I felt like a lamb thrown out on the street! I had no strength,





I was also strangely fearful for some reason.






For a while, I just wandered around the city


I wandered around the city


And then I realized





This strange feeling of fear


I realized that I had been trained by a stranger


I had been trained by a total stranger.





It was

similar to the frustration of having one\’s virginity

Like a virgin taken away from me without a second thought.



How pitiful…






I couldn\’t forgive myself


On the way home and even after arriving home


I spent the night stunned and dumbfounded.




Pity is something that comes


comes suddenly


and passes away in a mischievous way.








ساناي تودا


الحجز والاستفسار

لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا مع أي أسئلة. سوف يجيب الكونسيرج المتخصص لدينا على أسئلتك.

*إذا كنت تستخدم هاتفًا ذكيًا، فانقر فوق رمز الاستجابة السريعة أدناه لتشغيل كل تطبيق.

[*التوظيف العاجل] نحن نبحث عن منسق يمكنه تقديم الأجانب والسياح الأجانب المقيمين في اليابان.
إذا كنت تستطيع التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية واليابانية، فيمكنك الحصول على راتب مرتفع في فترة زمنية قصيرة.
يرجى الاتصال بنا للحصول على التفاصيل.