ريري D-cup|H162|B86|W57|H87
I\’ve noticed something recently.
Lili, I seem to like being tied up quite a bit…
I don\’t know…
It\’s addictive, isn\’t it?
Of course, any play I do with Master is…
I enjoy anything I do with Master!
Among them, recently I\’ve been enjoying bondage and candles.
and drinking urine…
Lili may be more M than she thinks she is.
I may be more M than I think.
After experiencing various things with the master
I feel like I have discovered a new side of myself
I feel like I discovered a new side of myself.
I would like to continue to discover a new side of myself with the Master.
I would like to discover a new side of myself with Master.
Can you please go along with my selfishness
I would like to discover a new side of myself with the Master.