22/11 12:30 مينا

مينا G-cup|H156|B90|W57|H86

Hello, my name is Mina Horii.

The other day I went to watch a soccer game!

my favorite team is Urawa Reds.

It was a match against Vissel Kobe!

As expected of the top-ranked team, they were very strong….

The result was a loss, but they showed us a very hot game in the second half!

I know it\’s a simple comment, but I thought it was fun to watch a soccer game.

It was more powerful than watching it on TV at home, and the Reds supporters were so amazing that it was my first time watching a soccer game, but they were so passionate about it.

When a goal was scored, I couldn\’t help but stand up and all the supporters stood up at the same time, which made me laugh.

It\’s a pity that the Urawa Reds lost the championship this time, but I will continue to support the Urawa Reds.

I would like to talk a lot with your husband if he is a Urawa Reds supporter!

I used to play softball, so if you have a husband who likes baseball, please send me a handsome message!


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