6/15 16:30 Sonoka

Sonoka E-cup|T165|B88|W52|H88

Hi, I\’m Sonoaka*. (๓͈ ˘ `͈๓). *


I have motivation but no energy


I have energy but no motivation


On the contrary


I don\’t want to do anything but I want to do something


Want to do something but don\’t want to do anything


Do you ever have times like that?


I\’m so easy on myself that I feel like that every day. …… lol


Today, too, I want to write a diary, but I don\’t know what to write about.

I don\’t know what to write about.

I\’m just writing the words that come to my mind.)


I thought if I did that, I\’m sure I\’d come up with something to write about. ……





I couldn\’t think of anything!


If I had to say, I\’m in the final push period before the photo shoot.

Body make-up, buying underwear and dresses, and mental preparation: ……


There are so many things I have to do!


Spare no time or money.

I want to make the best of what I have


I always think so.


And it\’s the same for playing.


I don\’t get caught up in time or paychecks.

The most wonderful thing is to enjoy the time you are invited to spend with us sparingly!


Sometimes I wish I had more time to have fun. ……


Sometimes I wish I had more time to have fun.

I try to create a space where you can feel that the time you spent with us was not a waste!


What kind of encounters will we have tomorrow?


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[*Dringende Einstellung] Wir suchen einen Koordinator, der Ausländer und ausländische Touristen, die sich in Japan aufhalten, vorstellen kann.
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