30.7. 17:25 Keito

Keito E-Körbchengröße|T158|B86|W56|H85

It\’s hot every day, but how are you doing?

Kate was looking cool for some reason, but it\’s really hot today! ! I thought. smile

There was also a fireworks display yesterday!

I haven\’t been to a fireworks display for a long time. When I saw a girl in a yukata, Kate also wanted to wear a yukata.

Yukata is cool and mature, but it also has a girlish cuteness and is wonderful ♡

I would love to go on a yukata date someday, longing(˶\’ᵕ\’˶ )︎

Aside from such a summer delusion, this month will be over in a few more days.

Thank you for the dark days in July as well♪

I hope all the masters who have been with us during the hot days are doing well this summer too!

ps.I suddenly thought that I would like to know the correct way to play the horse of Alfain.

If you find one, you\’ll always be asked to take a picture…( ˘•ω•˘ ) Hmmm


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