8/30 19:35 Mina

Mina F-cup|T156|B90|W57|H86

Guten Abend, mein Name ist Mina Horii!

The other day, the master who took care of me wanted to have me tied up, and he also asked me to cosplay as an office worker, so I tied him up in a handsome office worker\’s costume.

I thought it was the first step to becoming a wonderful woman, but in the short time I was there, he told me that I looked good in school uniform, but I also looked good as an office worker.

Master started tying me up quickly and started playing with the restraints.

I couldn\’t move and was left to my own devices.

Master with a candle dripped hot candle on my ass, and I was thinking (hot, what\’s this?). But I might want more. But it\’s so hot. !!!!) I was thinking.


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