Yuuko C-cup|T158|B80|W53|H80
Since I talked lightly about Haruroken one time before, here is another GTO I saw!
This one is from 1998.
The Heisei Gyaru I once aspired to be is the best!
I\’m Onizuka, a teacher under the name of \”GREAT T Teacher O ONIZUKA\”.
I don\’t have good feelings about my high school teachers, so if there were teachers who cared so deeply about their students, their homeroom students, and themselves, my life would have been different.
I wonder how difficult it is for an adult with so many ties wrapped around him or her to care more about the students than about his or her own status and honor.
When I looked at the teachers other than Mr. Onizuka and Mr. Fuyutsuki, it was as if I was looking at the teachers at my alma mater. (I was also a private school, so…)
(I was in a private school myself, so…) I was wondering if the teachers at my alma mater would change their ways and think about the bad things they did to the students back then… lol.
I am also a stubborn person, so in my graduation essay, I wrote about how unforgivable it was that I had a fight with the advisor of my club. I am ashamed of myself.
But for me, it was a club activity that I really devoted myself to, and I won\’t write what happened, but I really couldn\’t forgive him~.
I wondered why adults are like this.
I am an adult now.
I want to be a person who can think of someone else and do my best for them.)