7/10 16:23 Sayaka

Sayaka C-cup|T163|B81|W55|H85


Last month, I was helping my father with his work, so I couldn\’t come to play in Shinjuku at all. (><)

Now that my work has settled down a bit, I will be able to play with many gentlemen!

I\’m very happy about that. (՞ ܸ. .ܸ ՞)\”

Yesterday, Minachan and I dressed up in maid outfits for a threesome!

Threesomes still make me a little shy, but I feel happy to be able to serve our gentlemen together!

Today, I\’m also here in Shinjuku to play.

Please teach me many things that Sayaka still doesn\’t know.

Thank you and best regards.

Miyoshi Sayaka


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