3/12 23:35 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

Good work today, I\’m Kate (^○^)♡!







I\’ve been sleeping a lot while you\’ve been off ♡.



About 12 hours the other night? I slept♪♪

I went out after that.

I was out while I was on the move,

I heard that sleeping well = being young, but I\’m having trouble with that.


I want to feel young in other places.







I also have a lot of hair treatments scheduled,

I had a lot of hair treatments scheduled.

I had been having treatment once in a while,

I had been having my hair done from time to time, but during my vacation, I had to concentrate on it even more.


Shampooing my hair by someone else feels so good.

It feels so good, and here again, I

I fell asleep. LOL!



Sometimes, there are masters who shampoo before and after

some masters shampoo their hair before and after play.

If it is a beautiful hotel, Kate will shampoo the master\’s hair before and after play.

Kate sometimes washes the master\’s hair

Sometimes Kate washes the master\’s hair, sometimes she does not.

There are various forms of service!


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