4/25 11:45 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

Hello Master♪♪




It\’s been hotter than warm lately!


Kate, who is a great enemy of sunburn,

She already needs a parasol.


When we go out for dinner,

I often leave my parasol at the restaurant when I go out to eat.

She has to be careful from now on! Sweat

(I have already forgotten it this year, though… ←)





At the hotel we were invited to,

Even though the hotel had a nice outdoor bath, I was hesitant to go in because of the cold weather.

I have been hesitant to enter because of the cold weather…


But from now on..,

I am looking forward to being able to go in without worrying about the cold.



You have prepared a nice room for us,

I am looking forward to being able to go in there without worrying about the cold.

Kate is also very excited and handsome.

I\’m very excited and handsome (,,> <,,)



By the way, as before

If you are looking for a love hotel in Shinjuku

Pasha Sense Grand Chalio is her favorite place to make love.

I hope it will be helpful for your invitation.





I\’m not sure if it\’s a good idea or not, but I\’ll try to make love to you,

I\’m looking forward to seeing you again next week.


I\’ll be back next week with my naughty Kate.

Please play with us.



What is my schedule for May?

Unfortunately, it has not been decided yet. I\’m sorry, but I don\’t have plans for May yet.

Please play with us this month… ♡…


I\’m going to work hard this afternoon ✩. *˚.






ps. I\’m serving a series of echi-chi pictures…lol!



Kate Nakahara


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