5/1 17:30 Sanae

Sanae Bonnet D|H160|B85|L56|H86

Hello or good evening!


Greetings if it\’s a delicate time of day.

Which is it?


I\’m Toda, and I\’m puzzled!




My hay fever has calmed down.

I am in a good mood!


It\’s been raining for a while, but then it\’s sunny and hot.

It\’s easy to get sick during the change of seasons.

It is also possible that you are tired from the busy season of the new year

It is possible that you are still tired from the busy season of the new year.

I\’m sure you are tired from the busy season of the new year, so please take care of yourselves.

Please take care of yourselves.

Please take care of yourselves. °°.



The sun is getting longer, so it\’s a good time to enjoy the sunset sunset.


It\’s my favorite time of the day to be out in the sun.


It\’s my recent boom.


Photosynthesis soothes my mind.



The women on the street are getting more and more exposed


Je suis tellement excitée !


Sanae is bi-sexual.


I\’m bi-sexual, so I\’m wearing a trendy mini T-shirt and waist-length denim shorts.


I get a little excited when I see a cute girl in a Korean style


I get a little bit excited when I find a handsome girl


I\’m tempted to attack her, but


but I try my best to hold back.




Some of the masters


I wonder if any of you masters are also holding back this kind of horniness


I wonder if there are any masters who are also holding back this kind of horniness?


I wonder if any of our masters are also this horny.


Let\’s get it all out!


I\’d like to have a threesome or lesbian sex.










I posted a naughty video at Cityhaven today.

I\’ve posted a handsome and erotic video.

Add me to your favorites!



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