8/5 11:30 Sana

Bonnet E Sana|T159|B87|W54|H85

Hi ☀︎*.

Yesterday I experienced candle play ❤︎

I\’ve never done candleplay before and I don\’t have much experience with it, so it was an unknown world and at first I thought it would be hot and scary…

But then I tried it and it was a lot of fun. I\’ve always wanted to have it draped all over my body, so I was happy to see that dream come true . ᐟ. ᐟ.

It all felt good, but I was most excited especially when it was dripped on my inner thighs and I felt a very nice stimulation… ///

It felt so good that I was screaming all the time, so much so that it echoed around the room.

I was happy that the master praised me for that very exciting voice (^_ ̫ _^∩).

I enjoy every day discovering different ways to play and discover new things.

Thank you very much for always letting me experience various things!

I\’m looking forward to your invitation. ᐟ. ᐟ.



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