15/05 14:10 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

By the way, the other day, I was taken to my favorite private sauna.




Kate\’s favorite brand of scarf was on display.

I like the atmosphere and the amenities.

and the amenities are well stocked.



I\’d like to explore a new private sauna room ♡♡♡♡♡♡.

If you have any recommendations, please let Kate know!

If you have any recommendations, please let me know!





I also got a cute swimsuit to wear in the sauna.

I hope I can show you a glimpse of it in my future diary.



I\’d like to go somewhere this summer wearing a bathing suit.

Summer is just a few more days away.

I want to tighten my waist and raise my hips!





And well,

Let\’s put the swimsuit picture aside for a moment.

This time, I\’d like to show you a rare SM-like photo.



Recently, I\’ve had a chance to be tied up a little bit.

Kate who likes to be tied up is very happy.


When she is being tied up,

I can\’t help smiling at the serious expression of the master while he is tying me up.

but please forgive me.


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