6/3 11:40 Tsukasa

Tsukasa Bonnet D|T162|B85|W52|H88

Je m'appelle Tsukasa Yamaguchi.

I\’m glad I woke up early today and feel more energetic than usual.

I\’m thinking about what I\’m going to have for lunch now.


The photo is an off-shot from a nude photo shoot before I started SM. I was skinnier than I am now.


Recently, I feel that time flies by when I\’m immersed in my play.


The harder I write and play, the more my inner roots are revealed and the more I find myself losing my mind.


This is especially true with play that involves vomiting and pain,

I love the feeling of being absolutely (I don\’t even want to go against it) unbeatable to the point of shaking.



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