6/14 19:30 Riri

Riri D-cup|T162|B86|W57|H87

Bonne soirée.


I am very grateful for the opportunity to join you.

I have had a really valuable experience

I have had the opportunity to have a very valuable experience.


Master who would like to be served

With the girls…

and the master who wants to be comfortable with the girls…


There are various masters.


No matter what kind of master you are

I want you to be satisfied with Lili.

I want you to be absolutely satisfied.


In order to do so, we still need to learn more and gain more experience.

I still have a lot to learn and experience.


Although I am still inexperienced

but I am motivated..!


Please let me do my best for the master.


And I hope that my master

Please train me to be the kind of slave

Please train me so that I can become a slave whom the master would want to see again and again.


Merci beaucoup!


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