7/17 13:05 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

Every time we visit the store,

I meet some masters for the first time

and the masters who have met us before.

I am very happy to be able to share a naughty time with all of you,


I am able to spend a naughty time with you all.

I am not only lamenting that it is hot,

I am spending my days with a sense of fulfillment.



To those who came,

I would like to make you feel as comfortable as possible when you leave.

In order for them to leave safely

Kate\’s own little idea.

I\’m thinking of starting today.

Even though it\’s already hot,

I\’m going to do something naughty.

It\’s going to get even hotter, don\’t you think?

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