22/07 15:30 Eiko

Bonnet E Eiko|H158|B87|W56|H86

I recently heard that intestinal activity is good for your health and skin.

I\’ve been eating a lot of yogurt

I\’ve been eating a lot of yogurt.


In SM, there is an option called enema.

I thought if I get an enema and let out a lot of juices

I thought that if I get an enema, my intestines will be cleaned naturally!


Sometimes I think enema is hard because it makes my stomach hurt and makes me want to poop, but if I think it\’s good for my health, it might be good for me…


If you like enema, please cooperate with Eiko\’s bowel activity~~^_^!


I can\’t come to work as often as I used to, but when I\’m here, I\’m here.

but I will be there when I am, so please invite me!


Eiko will respond to your request.


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