8/9 14:10 Kaho

Kaho E-cup|T158|B85|W55|H86

Hello Master.

My name is Kaho Takayama.


Yesterday was my first time at Alphain.

I didn\’t know about it at all, and I was told that there are some rules that are unique to Alpha Inn, aren\’t there?

Walking outside the room with the vibrator in…it felt good every time I walked around, and most of all, it was very embarrassing…I was very excited♡.


This room had a hospital-like atmosphere, so I had my soggy pussy examined.

Just a little touch makes me wet////.

I was tied up with chains on the bed for punishment, and I was in electric hell and screamed out loud.


I still want to be tortured and feel good, so I\’m going to play with her again today.

I am still in the mood for a good time, so I\’m going to play with you today.


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