19/08 13:25 Sonoka

Bonnet E Sonoka|H165|B88|W52|H88

Hello, my name is Sonoika Yoshizawa.


Recently, a picture book has been encouraging me every day.


This is your story.

This is your story.


Don\’t worry.

Think about it, think about it,

And everything you choose is the right answer.

It\’s all right.

Don\’t you think these are very beautiful words?


Picture books have a childish image.

But if you look for it, you will find it in the hole in your heart,

It gives me peace of mind and courage.


This picture book was given to me by a person I respect.


The picture books and novels have helped me to realize that I have closed my mind since childhood and to repair the cracks in my relationships without having to talk about it a lot.


It has nothing to do with SM,

Today I was able to recall such a day!


Do you have something like a picture book or a novel for me, too, Master?


There must be something encouraging for every person…


Please remember something like that for a moment from time to time!


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