21/08 13:35 Kaho

Kaho E-cup|H158|B85|W55|H86

Bonjour Maître♪

Je m'appelle Kaho Takayama.


I\’m having a relaxing day today, doing laundry and changing the air in my room.


Ordinary is the best☆. I love to make love to you.


I\’ve been so busy lately, always on a schedule… it\’s nice to have a day like this where I don\’t have to do anything.


That said, I did masturbate by reading sensual novels.

These days it\’s all about the written word, isn\’t it?

What is your master\’s side dish?


I have an option to shoot adult films, so I\’d love it if you could film me and use me as a side dish.


Let\’s do a sex shoot or something ♡♡♡♡♡♡ I\’m looking forward to it.

I\’m looking forward to it♡♡


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