9/10 12:55 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

I found out about it on the internet and tried it.


In an ice glass


Konnyaku Hatake (the kind they put with Enadori)

Five Mini (pink Enadori)


in the ice glass.


I put them all in. All at once.


I attacked the very edge of not overflowing.


And then..,


When it came time to stick the straw in and drink…!


The konnyaku field wouldn\’t fit through the straw..!


I tried to drink it directly from the cup


But there was ice.


I tried to drink it directly from the cup, but the ice


and the ice kept coming in,


After a lot of trial and error


with a straw.


and drink it with a straw.


is a good idea.


This drink is said to be high in fiber.


It is said to produce a lot of stools.


Will Suzune be able to feel the effects from now on?


We are looking forward to it!


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