4/9 New arrivals Shiori

Shiori 23 years old
t150 b84 w55 h83

Office lady of a huge company *This genuine young lady completely releases her frustration with forbidden eroticism.

She has an elegant and refined demeanor and comes from a prestigious family with a long-standing history. She is a genuine \”ojo-sama\” (a daughter of a wealthy and high-class family). She has been raised strictly by her parents and has followed the path that was laid out for her, attending prestigious schools and universities before landing a job at a famous company. The text also suggests that she has decided to work in a place where she can reveal her true self and desires, including sexual ones.


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[*Recrutement urgent] Nous recherchons un coordinateur qui pourra présenter les étrangers et les touristes étrangers séjournant au Japon.
Si vous parlez anglais et japonais, vous pouvez gagner un salaire élevé en peu de temps.
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