14/11 17:15 Sanae

Sanae Bonnet D|H160|B85|L56|H86

Thank you very much for inviting me for a threesome.

Merci beaucoup.



Sanae is actually

I\’m actually bi-sexual…





I dare not come out

I dare not come out about it,


I did not dare to come out about it.


the older sisters with whom I have had the pleasure of working


I\’d like to suck the master\’s penis


and munching on Master\’s cock with all my heart




Such an experience,

It\’s not often that you get to experience something like this.


I burned it in my mind and eyes

I was enjoying it with my eyes and heart.






I am looking forward to such a precious experience today…

I am looking forward to such a precious experience today….



I am a handsome SM lover.



Moreover, she seems to be frustrated.


I want to be dominated without any restraint…

I want to be dominated…





And I\’m looking for a master who has never experienced SM.


or a master who has never experienced SM before


I can\’t come out my sexuality…


I would be happy if you can enjoy yourself with ease,


I would be happy if you can enjoy it comfortably.







Sanae Toda


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