12/2 18:45 Yuuko

Yuuko C-cup|T158|B80|W53|H80

I was really sleepwalking when I wrote this diary in the morning.


I was so eager to see you that I was writing it all out of my mind.


Do you know the movie \”Session\”?


When people ask me, \”What is your favorite movie? I am sure this is the movie I answer when people ask me \”What\’s your favorite movie?


It\’s a movie about a drummer!

I played brass band with all my might in junior high and high school, but I also had a lot of setbacks.

It is a movie about a drummer!


I think that those who have tried hard and failed at something will be touched by this movie as well.


If you have no background in music, you may have some resistance to this film, but I highly recommend you to watch it.


If you have seen it, let\’s talk about it together! I look forward to your messages!


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