12/12 19:30 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

My name is Suzune Kozakura.


Since I realized that my hair is brown.


It\’s been xxx years, (big lie)


I have dyed it black!


Brown is good in some ways, but I thought it would be nice to try black,


I thought it would be nice to try black.


Although there is no big difference at a glance,


For Suzune, it\’s a level of makeover.


Every time I see her pitch-black hair,


Oh! I changed it to black!


I get excited.


Also, the fact that she went to a hair salon,


One of the reasons why I get excited is because I went to a hairdresser.


Before I go to the salon, I feel like it\’s a bit of a hassle, but..,


especially since this was the first time to go to a hair salon,


I was also nervous.


But after I did my best to go there, I was


I was glad that I went.


I am glad I went.


I will enjoy black hair for a while.


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