12/27 13:35 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

Some of them came to see me after reading my diary,

And some of them came to see me again,

or received souvenirs from your trip. I am so happy to see you again. :*♡♡


Recently, they also came to see our Heaven Net.

I\’m excited to meet so many people ♡♡♡♡♡.






It is a busy time of the year.

I hope you all take care of yourselves.

If you are tired, please come to Kate\’s to vent! Please come to Kate\’s! oO lol.



Kate is also in the midst of a busy time in her day job.

I hope that she will not get sick and will be in good health when she is scheduled to meet with you all.

I will do my best to take care of my health so that I can appear in good health

I will do my best to take good care of myself.


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