1/11 11:40 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

Hatsumode and Omikuji for New Year\’s visit,


From lounging around,


I went to the shrine with all my strength.


I arrived at the shrine, but it was too late,


I arrived at the shrine, but it was too late.


The shrine office was already closed,


I thought, \”Well, let\’s just visit the shrine,\” but then I found a long line of people waiting to pray,


But there was a long line of people waiting to visit the shrine.


Suzune froze at the sight before her eyes,


After staying there for about 3 minutes,


Suzune was frozen by the sight in front of her, and quickly left after about 3 minutes.


We will try again at a different time.


I\’ll try again at a different time,


I didn\’t go to the shrine.

↓I was going to go there.

I tried to go there.

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

I was able to come to the shrine.


I think this is an achievement release.


Suzune would like to take this event as such.


The next step is to go further.


I was able to visit the shrine


I could draw a omikuji (fortune).


I will go to the shrine again for the next event.


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