1/31 13:30 Ria

Ria Bonnet C|T167|B83|W53|H79

It\’s been a while!


I was absent for about a week last week.


I\’ve been working since yesterday.


The day before yesterday, I went to take a bath with Aoi-chan and Toki-chan.


I went to take a bath with Aoi and Toki.


Aoi\’s style is great and Uki\’s H-cup is the best I\’ve seen in a while.


Uki\’s H-cups are also nice after a long time ////.


Yesterday, I played poker with Yuko for the first time in a while!


We are all good friends with each other, so we had an erotic threesome and a foursome.


We\’re looking forward to a very erotic threesome, foursome, or fivesome!


I\’m looking forward to your invitation!



Ria Shinkai


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