10/19 15:35 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

I went out to Enoshima.  

I wanted to go swimming in the ocean and pool more and more.  

I didn\’t know much about Enoshima, I was surprised to see that Enoshima is really an island.  

I thought it was just a place name,   There were many people on what looked like a tourist trail.  

It was fun to feel like I was on a trip, even though we were all in the Kanto region.  

I walked a lot to the top of the island.  

I also took a picture of that mountain, which I thought might be Mt. I thought so and took a picture.  

I think it is in the right direction, but what do you think?  

I wonder if you can see Mt. Fuji from Enoshima.   If I am wrong, I am embarrassed.


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