11/25 19:25 Keito

Keito G-cup|T158|B86|W56|H85

It\’s getting drier and drier as the season progresses.

I have to take good care of my body.

I am getting more and more determined to take good care of my body! (;ᴗ;)



I know it may be a hassle for you too, Master.

I know it\’s a hassle for you too, but please try to use hand cream once in a while.

If you tease me with your smooth hands,

You will feel twice as good. I\’m sure you\’ll love it. :*♡♡



I want to have a soft and fluffy body to make my master feel

I\’m going to try to have a soft and fluffy body to make my master feel good ♡♡♡♡.





Enjoy your weekend! *˚˚


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