11/26 15:35 Mina

Mina Bonnet G|H156|B90|W57|H86

Hello, my name is Mina Horii!



I always wear fluffy clothes in winter.


It\’s warmer and makes me feel more like a handsome girl.


Maybe I wear a lot of fluffy fur (⑉ ・・・⑉)


It\’s too early to think that this year is already over.


It\’s going to get colder and colder, so please take care of yourself and your husband!


This New Year\’s, I want to go back to my parents\’ house and eat lots of crabs, and I want to eat delicious meat and my mom\’s homemade Osechi (**﹃``*) because we have Sukiyaki every year.


Crabs are hard to peel and I get injured every year, but they are delicious and it\’s an annual event!


Do you have a New Year\’s Eve or New Year\’s Eve tradition?


I want to make it a tradition to have sex at the beginning of the year, and I\’ve never done it before, so I\’d like to try it.


I\’m very curious, so I want to do lots of things I\’ve never done before!


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