12/17 16:30 Misaki

Misaki F-cup|T160|B92|W56|H94

Hello, my name is Misaki Harukaze! My name is Misaki Harukaze!


I\’ve been working in the entertainment industry for a while now.


I sometimes post on TikTok…


This is the first time for me to post my own song


I\’ve decided to post my own song for the first time.


I collaborated with an illustrator


I\’m going to post it,


The picture is so cute!


I can\’t post the name of the account here


I can\’t post the name of my account here,


I can\’t put the name of my account on here (lol), so I\’d like to specially brag about it


I\’d like to brag about it specially to those who come to visit me.



Well, well, well,


Let\’s work hard for another day.


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