12/17 20:05 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

In fact, Suzune,


I have a little bit of experience in acting.


The photo above is a promotional photo.


The photo was taken directly from a printed copy,


Please disregard the quality of the images.


It has been a few days since the photo was taken,


hair is shorter than it is now.




I think I could have thought a little more about it.


I think I could have thought a little more about the clothes.


When I could use my experience of studying acting,


I remember the time when I was devoted to it.


I loved the moments when I got into the role.


I tended to be imaginative,


I tend to get emotionally involved in a role.


I wonder if this experience has something to do with it.


I would like to do it again.


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