12/29 11:10 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

Good morning master!




Toward the end of the year

It\’s getting colder and colder.


Kate has become accustomed to drinking a hot drink in the morning.

It has become a habit.


I also find myself doing \”warm activities\” ♡.





For example, yesterday, I went to a private sauna for the first time.

I went to a private sauna for the first time. I\’m so happy! :*♡♡


I was able to go at my own pace and take an air bath.

It was a very nice change of pace.


Because I made a reservation on short notice

I was able to enjoy the bath at my own pace, and it was a very nice change of pace,

I was satisfied even with a standard room.

I was satisfied enough! I would like to go back again.





The rental swimsuit I wore in the sauna

The size of the swimsuit I rented was so small that my lower tits were showing…// I thought it was a bit naughty.


I thought it was so naughty, so I shared it with you. I thought it was so naughty, so I shared it with you… ♡♡♡♡


My boobs were still tight.

I sweated a lot and felt good ♡♡♡♡


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