12/4 13:15 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

Yesterday, while relaxing at home,

I did some light exercise while watching YouTube,

My lower body…muscle aches…(ㅠ︿ㅠ)w



During my vacation last month, I didn\’t do any exercise.

I didn\’t do anything naughty.

I was worried that I might have lost a little strength. I was worried that I might have lost a little strength.

It\’s no good to move too much too soon.


I hear that it is a sign of youth,

I have heard that it is a proof of youth that muscle pain comes on early, but it is still hard to have muscle pain no matter how old you are.

But muscle soreness is painful no matter how old you are. LOL!






It\’s Monday,

I want to do my best for another week.

I\’m going to visit Shinjuku in the evening to get some energy for the week ahead.


I\’m looking forward to seeing you. *˚˚.


Kate Nakahara


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