2/14 15:10 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

C'est Suzune Kozakura.


Speaking of strawberries and milk!


Strawberry milk!


Suzune has been making strawberry milk since she was a little girl,


She would put about three strawberries in a glass of milk,


She used to mash the strawberries with a fork.


Sometimes milk would fly out when she mashed them.


The other day I got a bottle of \”strawberry milk base\”.


I didn\’t know such a thing existed in the modern age.


That\’s amazing.


You understand the demand very well.


No more milk splashing around,


I can make strawberry milk without worry.


I love sweets even when I grow up.


By the way, today was a snow day.


I will post another article about the snow.


I know it must have been cold for those of you who went outside,


Please don\’t leave it as it is and take care of your body.


Suzune is going to take a warm bath!


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