2/16 17:25 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

C'est Suzune Kozakura.


It has become even colder again.


Coats are now in great use.


If you ask me, I don\’t know what I\’m wearing under my coat.


It is sometimes the case that I am wearing nothing at all.


I didn\’t realize that it could also be used for naughty things,


I didn\’t realize it.


Maybe there were people I passed on the street who wore nothing under their coats.


I never realized that it could also be used for something naughty.


I wonder if there were times when I passed someone on the street with nothing on under their coat.


When I think about it,


Even those who are walking with a clear face


but their heads are full of erotic thoughts.


or even full of


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