2/18 16:30 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

My name is Suzune Kozakura.


I\’m not used to taking selfies, so I apologize for my awkwardness.


We are almost at the middle of February, and March is waiting for us.


This time of year reminds me of many things.


After the graduation ceremony at elementary school,


From the teacher


\”Class 3 of the 6th grade will be disbanded!


I remember how I felt when I was told by the teacher after the graduation ceremony.


The daily routine is over, and the memories are gone.


I realized that nothing is normal.


It is because things keep changing that I want to cherish the people and events that are in front of me now.


I have come to think that


Will it continue to take courage or spirit to change my daily life? I am thinking that it will take courage or energy to change my daily life. I think it will take a lot of courage and energy to change my daily life.


Is it because I still have only a few years to live?


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