21/02 11:20 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

C'est Suzune Kozakura.


I sometimes sit on a bench


Sometimes I sit on a bench and soak up the sun.


I like to sit in the sun because it warms not only my body but also my heart,


I like to sit in the sun because I feel that it warms not only my body but also my heart.


I do it when it is not too cold. Of course.




I\’m not sure if it\’s a good idea or not, but I\’m not sure.


I have a question,


whether or not to wear a parasol to protect from the sun\’s rays.


to protect from the sun\’s rays.


Should I wear a parasol to protect myself from the sun?


or not?


or \”should I not wear a parasol to get some sun?


Which is better?


I used to wear a parasol before,




I think it would be better to take a parasol to soak up the sun\’s rays!


I have been using a parasol. I don\’t wear a parasol these days.


I wonder if I can continue to use this excuse.


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