4/11 11:25 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

The weather is nice and the temperature is rising.

It feels like spring! :*♡♡♡♡. :*♡



I am happy to be able to wear spring clothes!


It was cold until recently,

I haven\’t changed my clothes yet, so I hope to do it on my next vacation!




I want to wear new clothes, but when the season changes, I also want new underwear.

I want new underwear as well.

I have a problem that even if I find a design I want

I have a problem that sometimes I can\’t find the size I want,

But when I find something cute and in the right size

I feel several times happier than other people. LOL.


If you have any underwear that your master likes

Please let me know secretly!





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