4/13 12:05 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

I\’ve been having a lot of people play with my cosplay lately,Â




I think it would look good on Kate! She brought it to me.

She brings her own cosplay and chooses the course of the photo shoot,

I\’m so happy that they choose the course of the photo shoot.

Kate\’s cell phone makes me even more happy when she takes a quick picture of me.

I\’m even more excited when I get a quick shot with Kate\’s phone, lol.




I hope to look good in more costumes.

I also want to go to the gym or do Pilates for my health.

I would like to go to the gym or Pilates to get fit again.

It would be great if I could go to both,

I\’m still wondering if I can find the time to go to both! I\’m still trying to find time for both.


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