6/16 10:40 Mina

Mina Bonnet G|H156|B90|W57|H86

Good morning handsome!


It\’s too sunny and glaring today!


I\’m glad to feel it\’s getting warmer and warmer!


So I tried sunbathing lol.


Sunbathing produces serotonin and vitamin D, which have a positive effect on the body and mind.


Serotonin is one of the nerve substances in the brain that calms brain excitation and stabilizes the mind.


It is sometimes called the “happy hormone” because it helps increase feelings of happiness. That\’s what I heard!


I know it\’s Dr. Google\’s campy but lol.


So it seems that sunbathing helps to stabilize the mind and also produces happy hormones, so it\’s like killing many birds with one stone!


I feel like going to the sauna on a nice day because it\’s exceptional! LOL!


I\’ll be in Shinjuku again today, so please invite me!


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