7/10 15:50 Keito

Keito E-cup|T158|B86|W56|H85

Thank you very much for playing with Kate.

I\’m glad you\’ve been complimenting various aspects. ♡

Lately, I\’ve been receiving a lot of comments about my skin feeling smooth when touched!

Since summer is approaching, here\’s a little secret:

I\’ve been putting extra effort into body care.

Elbows, knees, and such… (^^)

Sometimes, my gentleman asks if I\’m doing anything specific to take care of myself.

Well, I recommend applying body cream \”inside the bath\” before getting out of the tub. ♡.*・゚

I used to apply toner and oil before, but that alone wasn\’t enough.

In Kate\’s case, when I have time, I apply toner and body cream in the bath, and then reapply to areas of concern after getting out. (* ॑꒳ ॑* )⋆*

Of course, using just body cream is also effective, and fragrance-free ones from the pharmacy are good. ♫

When you gently pat dry with a towel, it doesn\’t feel sticky even after applying the cream. ♡

If you\’re interested, give it a try! ✩.*˚

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