7/14 11:25 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

With all the advice you give me on a daily basis.

Thank you for being a good friend!



for a short while,

I have been taking care of you since lunch time

I have been able to meet people whom I have not been able to make acquaintance

I have been able to meet people I did not know before,

I have been able to meet people I did not know before, and also to make friends with them at night as I have in the past,

I am having a good time every day.



Even if I have a little bit of a bad day in my daily life,

If you do something naughty…

I can spend the next day with a refreshed mind! I can spend my time with them.






Recently, I have been doing

I have been allowed to do some SM-like things.


I was brought up sweetly, but…

When she is teased so much that it makes me sad…

I get excited from my brain for some reason.


Afterwards, when you are gentle with me…

I feel indescribable from relief.


At that moment, I wonder if I am a little bit strange?

or maybe I\’m not normal? and

I feel uncomfortable.

But that is comforting.






It is very hot today,

Please be careful if you are going outside.



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