7/25 19:20 Mina

Mina Bonnet G|H156|B90|W57|H86

Thank you so much for meeting me after afternoon tea today!


I am nervous when I meet a new master, but I am honest and wet there.


It was really embarrassing.


I was so happy when he praised me for being cute and gave me lots of kisses!


Master\’s blaming felt so good that he made me cum a lot in a row.


I used a suction vibrator for the first time and it felt so good that my mind went blank.


I don\’t even remember it.


I\’m addicted to suction vibrators! It was the best!

I want to do it again,


I want to do it again… They had a rope option and tied me up so tight that I couldn\’t resist and kept cumming.


I wanted it to stop, but they made me cum so much that my heart was pounding in my chest.


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