7/31 17:30 Ami

Ami G-cup|T153|B93|W56|H83

Nice to meet you!My name is Ami Akino, and I\’m a handsome handsome person.

I love all kinds of erotic things and I\’m interested in a lot of things.

I\’m interested in a lot of things and I want to have fun.

I\’m very interested in many things and want to have fun, so I took the plunge and joined the store!

I\’m happy to learn from you ♡♡♡ and if you can satisfy my desire with me, I\’ll be happy to help you!

And I will be happy if we can satisfy our desires together!

I look forward to working with you from now on ♡♡♡


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[*Recrutement urgent] Nous recherchons un coordinateur qui pourra présenter les étrangers et les touristes étrangers séjournant au Japon.
Si vous parlez anglais et japonais, vous pouvez gagner un salaire élevé en peu de temps.
Veuillez nous contacter pour plus de détails.